Unrealized Loss
Karyawan memberikan salam sambut peserta BP Jamsostek yang datang untuk melakukan klaim melalui Layanan Tanpa Kontak Fisik (Lapak Asik) di kantor Cabang Jakarta Menara Jamsostek, Jakarta, Jum’at, 10 Juli 2020. Seiring dengan meningkatnya gelombang pemutusan hubungan kerja di tengah pandemi Covid-19, klaim BPJS Ketenagakerjaan turut melonjak. Pencairan tabungan di BP Jamsostek menjadi alternatif untuk mendukung daya beli pekerja yang tergerus. Sementara dalam rangka adaptasi kebiasaan baru dan untuk memutus penyebaran virus corona, BP Jamsostek telah menerapkan protokol pelayanan secara daring dan tanpa pertemuan secara fisik. Foto: Ismail Pohan/TrenAsia
Investment Loss is Deemed Corruption (Serial 2): Social Security Agency Exits, The Stock Market Shakes
JAKARTA – At the end of March 2021, Indonesian Social Security Agency stated its plans to reduce the investment portion in the stock market. This gained negative responses from those within the Indonesian stock market. How else, the day after the announcement, the Composite Stock Price Index (IHSG) bounced from the psychological level of 6,000 […]
Investment Loss is Deemed Corruption (Serial 1): Social Security Agency Strategy to Avoid Unrealized Loss
JAKARTA – The Social Security Agency of Indonesia plans to retreat from the stock market to avoid the risk of unrealized loss on investments in stocks and mutual funds. The Attorney General’s Office first revealed the allegation of unrealized loss when conducting an examination of Social Security Agency (BPJS Ketenagakerjaan). However, Deputy Attorney General for […]
Rugi Investasi Dianggap Korupsi (Serial 1) : Strategi BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Hindari Unrealized Loss
Laporan khusus terkait dugaan korupsi dan risiko unrealized loss yang membayangi portofolio investasi saham dan reksa dana membuat Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial (BPJS) Ketenagakerjaan atau BP Jamsostek.