
Booming Tren Daring

 JAKARTA – Starting from the time the COVID-19 pandemic began to spread, digital use around the world has become increasingly widespread. The threat of the

Ilustrasi startup pendidikan yang makin moncer / Sujith Sukumar-The Passage

Online Trends are Booming (Serial 4): Job Opportunities in the Digital Age

JAKARTA – In less than two years, since the COVID-19 pandemic, the economic constellation in Indonesia has changed in an instant, including the job market.Like

Online Trends are Booming (Serial 3): Those Who Tumble Because of Digital Economy

JAKARTA – The rapid growth of the digital economy in the past decade has not always brought blessings to all parties. Not a few lines of business have to be dep

Online Trends are Booming (Serial 2): Sudden Fortune Because of the Digital Economy

JAKARTA – The business paradigm in the 21st century has begun to shift to the digitalization era in line with the rapid technological developments in the last f